We have been talking about adding baby #2 for a while now, and we decided to start trying after my marathon in March. Little did we know that one month and one day after the marathon, I'd be staring at this:

I went into the bedroom and told Kevin "It was Positive", and he said "Aww, man!". We knew that getting pregnant on the first try meant that the baby would be due right around Christmas- and neither of us wanted the baby to share a birthday with Christmas! Plus having a baby by the end of the year is kind of scary! But nonetheless we were excited. I think I felt the same way that I did when I found out we were expecting Luke- shock and surprise!
I went and got an ultrasound a few weeks later and got to see our little baby's heart beating away...but other than that it looked like a little blob! We found out at this ultrasound that the baby would be due on December 20th, only 5 days before Christmas!

We waited a little while to tell our family and friends! We told Kevin's family by wrapping up some Christmas themed newborn outfits and giving them to his mom as birthday presents (that we took back!). I thought they'd be expecting an announcement so we were trying to catch them off guard. What fun! We told my parents by putting Luke in a "big brother" t-shirt and just letting him "tell" the news. That was also really fun! Here's a picture of Luke in his big brother shirt!

Now things have been floating along smoothly as we are nearing the halfway point. I have had some nausea this time, which I didn't have with Luke. But it wasn't too bad, but Zofran was my friend!! I've also had headaches but I had them with Luke so I was not surprised to be experiencing those. I've been feeling the baby move for a few weeks now but in the past few days it's gotten a lot more consistent! That is my absolute favorite part of pregnancy. This baby seems very active compared to Luke, I hope that trend continues!
We go for our big ultrasound in a week, and I'm very excited. However, we won't be finding out if baby W is a he or she! At least I hope we don't accidentally find out!! We have already bought fabric to make some adorable gender neutral bedding and have a great neutral nursery planned. Everything else can be bought after baby comes!
Please keep us in your prayers especially with the ultrasound coming up! We are praying for everything to look just the way it should and that baby W is nice and healthy!!
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